Monday 9 December 2013

My Journey at Rosebank School

In the past 6 years in this school I have shared laughs, tears, hopes and dreams with my lovely teachers. They have inspired me to learn and study new things. My first teacher that taught me and a couple of my friends was Cat Buchanan  She taught me in Room 1. Then I moved to Kotahitanga and met Mary-Rose Anderson Ballard in Room 10. I spent 2 years learning from her. Then in Room 11 I met Miss Wooldridge and Sheela Stanley they were both awesome and taught me twice. Then the best teacher of all was whaea Patricia. She has put up with my classroom’s behavior and also taught our class a lot of new things. She is awesome and I’m so sad to leave her and these other teachers that I have been with through these school years. And I would like to say a big thank you to them all!
By: Nicky Michael  

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Sunday 18 August 2013


Mathetics on PhotoPeach

Swimming Reflections

The swimming instructors taught us how to swim and float on our back. We have to keep our hands on our sides as if we were soldiers. Swimming backwards was easy for me, we had to keep our stomach up in order for us to float.

This is me doing a backstroke, I have to swim 25m and a 1/2.The hardest thing was to keep swimming in a straight line.

The skill we learnt is backstroke and it was a bit hard for me to do. How I felt scared when I was doing the backstroke. The reason why I was scared because everyone was watching me, and I thought I was about to drown. In the end I learnt how to do the backstroke. The other skill we learnt was the streamline; I found streamline easy because I learnt how to do it last year as well. I felt doing it was fun and interesting to learn.

This is me doing the back stroke. It felt easy for me because I knew how to float and swim. But the hard part was when we had to turn around and keep swimming and swimming.

When I was under water I was so irritated because water was getting into my nose. But what I have learnt from swimming is to learn to do the backstroke. I found the backstroke hard because I can’t paddle properly and float and my instructor was Rachael she told me to keep my chin at my chest, and keep my stomach up.
By shahil

The first easiest skill was the streamline. We had to have both our arms behind our ears and paddle to one end to another. The hardest skill was the backstroke because I couldn't float on my back and couldn't keep my stomach up and kept floating. Water was getting into my eyes, ears, and nose and couldn't paddle properly. Next time I’ll try to keep my stomach up and paddle faster and keep swimming till I reach the end of the pool.

This term we are learning how to swim today we are doing stream line. I think its easy because I was listening to the instructors  instructions and I go  swimming lessons. I think next time I need to bring my goggles because when I go under the water by eyes burn when water gets into my eyes, also I need to paddle so I can float better.

This term we had swimming lessons, and this skill we learnt is called streamline. The streamline was easy for me because I could use that skill to swim from one end to another.  When I was swimming it felt great, but I didn't like it when everyone was watching me swim.

The backstroke was difficult to me because I didn’t know how to float on my back. The first time I was floating I didn’t paddle my feet I was going to stand up but I didn’t because the instructor was holding my back straight. I closed my eyes because the water went in my eyes and it was hurting while I was closing it. You need to keep your back straight, paddle your feet and put your hands by your side.