Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Measuring in Room 14

In Room 14 we have been taking different measurements of our bodies for the Census at School survey.  We have been measuring the length of our arm, legs and circumference of the neck and wrist.  You can find out more about the Census at School survey by clicking on this link: Census at School

Amal is measuring Caroline's shoulder  length. 

                                              Nicky is measuring Xanphyan's arms length.

                                           Patricia is measuring Chelsey's shoulder length.

                                                  Joshua is measuring Aymal's shoulder length.

                                            Jason is measuring Tangi's arms length.


  1. I wonder who has the largest arm span in room 14? Did you know that an albatross has the largest wing span of any living bird? It can measure between 2.5 to 3.5 metres! Did anyone have an arm span wider than this?
    from Mrs Robyns

  2. Who had the longest arm?
    by shanaz and jillian in room 16

  3. Good work room 14. Did you find it hard to measure some parts of your body?
    Room 18

  4. Patricia Petelo has the longest arm span in room14

  5. Who had the longest shoulder width in room 14?
