Wednesday 7 August 2013

Swimming Lesson 1
On Tuesday 6th August Room 14 had their first swimming lesson. We got into the pool and we were ready to swim. We had to have a swimming assessment to see what we could do and what we could not do.  The first thing we had to do was swim from one end to another end. We could swim however we wanted to. We then had to swim on our backs and keep our head out of the water .The instructors then taught us a swimming skill called the stream line. All we had to do was put up our arms and put it behind our ears. Then we swam from one end to another as much as we could do! After we had 1 minute of free time in the pool. Finally our time was finished; we raced to the exit with 5 seconds left. Can’t wait for the next swimming session!

By Joshua

We were under the water for 5 seconds.

We were floating on our backs.

Girls on one side.

Boys on one side.

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