Wednesday 7 August 2013

Swimming Lesson 2
On Wednesday 7th August after morning tea Room 14 had their second swimming lesson. When we entered Rachael and Fern told us we had split into two groups. The boys group and girls group, The girls went first and the boys had to wait for 20 minutes.

20 minutes later the boys jumped in. Then we got split again because some of us didn’t come to the last session. The first skill we learned was the stream line. We had to put our two arms behind our ears and paddle with our feet. Also we had to do that from one end to another.

The second skill we did was swimming on our backs. We had to keep our heads up out of the water, keep our stomach up, and paddle, After the instructor Rachael gave us a tip to follow a straight metal pole until our head hits the end of the pool, and to blink if water was getting our eyes.

Finally the last skill we learnt was another swimming technique. You had to throw one arm over and the other arm should follow and we keep doing that for 4 times. Then you had to turn around on your back and throw your arms backwards.

This session was helpful and amazing.

By Joshua

Getting ready to dive

The instructors

Swimming backwards

Listening to the istructors 

Swimming backwards

Boys turn

Stream Line

Lying backwards

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