Sunday 23 June 2013

AFL Session 4
Warm up game!

Continuous Tag. Firstly everyone is a tagger. So when the coaches blow the whistle we run around and tag each other. If you get tagged you must bop down. To get back up the person if that tagged you gets tagged by someone else you can stand back up.

The ability we learnt was bouncing the ball    . To master this skill you have make your arms like a robot. Then you hold the ball on both of the stems. Next you bounce the ball on the ground and it has to come back to you. You also had to this skill if you walked 10 steps forward.

To practice it we first had to go on our knees and bounce the ball. If you can master that you can practice it by standing up.   Also we had to bounce the ball while walking.

We had lots of fun!!!

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